Thursday, 21 March 2013

Review: Darkness & Light by Elle Casey

Purchase Price: $4.96 CDN on
War of the Fae: Book 3 (Darkness & Light) [Kindle Edition]

Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal Fiction, Fantasy, Series, Epic, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Teen, Action Adventure

**This Review Contains Some Spoilers** 

The one thing I can always count on from author Elle Casey, is her uncanny ability to hook a reader into a story or series, and tie them relentlessly into the journey of not only the main protagonist, but also all supporting characters, both good and not so nice. The War of the Fae series is perhaps one of the best examples of this magical connection with her readers. Casey has created a whole world of characters that you very quickly care very much about.

The third book in the War of the Fae series, Darkness & Light, answers many of the questions left hanging by it's predecessor, Call To Arms, and kicks the story into high gear with a lot more action and drama than you can see coming.

We again find main protagonist, Jayne Sparks Blackthorn, adjusting to her life as a "Changeling", learning to move from the human world to her new Fae world. The power she is capable of calling up to her manipulation, known as "The Green", or Earth, is now linked to another element that she can wield, Water.

But all that power is not always an easy thing to manage. Jayne again finds herself stumbling in the dark with no guide as to how she can control these huge elemental forces of Earth and Water. But being in the possession of great power also leaves Jayne vulnerable to those who would wish to use her as a means to accomplish dark and mysterious ends. Jayne's natural streak of rebellion and independence puts her in harms way too often.

Now re-connected with her dearest friend Tony, Jayne finally feels as if things will begin to settle down. She could not have been more mistaken.  The impending war between the Light Fae and the Dark Fae means that no-one can rest, and no one is safe.

Jayne's mischievous friend Tim the Pixie accidentally doses her personal body guard and Daemon protector, Chase, with his pixie dust, and Chase turns into a bubbly giggling mess. In an attempt to get help for Chase, and hide her mistakes, Jayne finds herself turning him over to the care of the Dark Fae. When Jayne goes looking for an update on poor Chase's condition, she herself gets taken hostage.

This third book in the War of the Fae series was by far the most action packed and surprising thus far. Jayne is one of the most compelling characters in modern fiction, equal parts rebellious teenager, warmhearted friend, and accident prone klutz.  I also must add the one thing that makes her absolutely hysterical to read about, her almost constant use of the F-word, with almost Tourette Syndrome like ejaculations of cuss words at the most unbelievable moments.

As with the two previous novels in the War of the Fae series, I found the writing to be nearly flawless. Casey's ability to describe some very unusual and unique circumstances in a way that makes them immediately accessible to the reader is nothing short of brilliant. The level of sexuality in these novels is very tame, hugs and kisses thrown in here and there, but nothing that any parent would have reason to be concerned about. The language, while colorful, especially where Jayne is concerned, only adds to her charm, and is not beyond a level that most teens would be exposed to in the presence of their peers.

Fired Up Rating: 5/5 Flames

Bottom Line:  You will not be disappointed for a moment by continuing to read on in the War of the Fae series, and both Young Adults and Adults alike will be chomping at the bit for more of this fantastic story. It really helps if you have read the first two books in the series, as it definitely helps to set up the world paradigm that Elle Casey has constructed for her characters to inhabit. This is a series you can be assured is worth reading over and over again, there is just so much to love about it.

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